Monday, May 18, 2009

entry 12

I seem to have a bit more patience since my meltdown last Saturday. It's amazing how writing things down can literally calm you down when you're in a craze.

I worked in the yard all day long and was dead tired. I paid for it Sunday but I needed to work the body and the mind. I've never liked dirt or bugs or spiders, bees, yellow jackets, wasps, black widows, earwigs, anything flying up your nose or into your ears, eyes and face. Over the years I've grown to have an appreciation for nature. I am finding the insects and other critters {extra}ordinary these days.

Back to mom. The "critters" seem to help her as well. The day the ducks waddled on to our yard she ran into the house, got some bread and chased them down the street. There is a natural serenity one feels when standing in the midst of nature. A respect for all that has been created.

On a sadder note...I helped mom buy some thank you notes . She's had them for over two weeks. She wanted to thank everyone for her birthday and mother's day gifts. She literally was unable to start the task of writing the notes. I typed a list of whom to thank and what to thank them for. I let her go as long as possible to see the outcome. I hate to say it but I had to stand by her and tell her every word to write. She struggled through the entire process until mailed. Then directly after and through the the evening she had no idea why we went to the post office, what we mailed and why and who we mailed "whatever" to.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is so sad. I helped her write her Christmas cards and it was just heart-wrenching. Poor thing. We love you and appreciate all you do!
