Thursday, September 10, 2009

entry 20 (OMH)

You know that old saying that if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all?

Well, can I scream instead????

My dad and brothers are coming to Utah for a big pow wow this weekend. I bet my mom's asked me at least 2-4 times (per hour) if she's getting her hair done tomorrow, who it is we are picking up from the airport, is the time 12:30AM or 1AM and what are we doing again? What day is it today ? What day is it tonmorrow? Is it 1991? REPEAT... She has written down all this info but still can't seem to understaind-I know because she made me sit there with her shile she wrote it down. If I sound like a MAD (crazy) caregiver, today I am . If it's this hard for me I can only how hard it is for her. She's got to know that part of her is slipping away. I have to keep repeating positive affirmation and reminding myself that it's the disease and not her.

Oh... She sat on her night stand this morning thinking it was a stool and it shattered underneath her. I was doing some touch up painting and suggested she stay in a different area. As soon as I left she walked into the pan of paint. I need to say this...oh my hell!

Remember all of you out there in normal land...that it's karma. Whatever hell you put your mother through as a kid, it comes back to bite you a 1000 times worse!

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