Wednesday, September 16, 2009

entry 21

I have to say my last post sounded frantic. Thankfully things are a calmer today. The pow wow is over and mom is staying here with us. I need to post more often to have a record of the progression of my mother's disease.

This week mom has been really confused. There is the usual - asking the same questions over but she is mixing the past and the present. Mom is progressing into another stage of the disease. Mom has a terrible time verbalizing what she wants to say. She paces around the house off and on during the day. She opens and closes the garage door over and over checking to see if my car is there.

Recent things she has said:

Who are we picking up at the airport? "Dad, your husband". Blank stare...What is his name?

I need to get cash from your dad so I can pay payroll.
(She is talking about paying Alicia to do her hair)

What is Ken's first name? "Ken, mom".

Where does your dad live, in Phoenix or Utah? "VA, mom". Now where is he going?

What does he do for his profession? "Oral surgeon". Oh that's right I do the books.

I need to get my important stuff out of the house before your dad sells it.
"What stuff do you need to get"? My watches, I need my watches!

At this point in time it is worse to tell her anything in advance because she can't remember what I just told her and she obsesses about what she's forgotten anyway.

She rarely knows what day or time it is even though she has a calendar and clock in her room that displays all the info. (Mostly she thinks Sunday is the next day).

I typed up a very simple schedule for her right before my dad arrived and placed it in several areas around the house. That confused her even more.

It has come down to rationing her "Boost and Ensure". That's all she wants to eat/drink. 4 to 5 is plenty in a day!

Dad and I bought her a "muscle" protein drink at the gas station. "I won't like this-yuk!" "trust me you'll like it" - Forced her to drink it, "oh this is really good"! "HMMMM, mom"!

I am trying to repeat positive affirmations to myself to keep calm and patient. Keep up the good work cher :) .

1 comment:

  1. I make mochas out of a 30 gram protein drink (11 oz container) that I buy by the case at Costco. Use 1/3 chocolate protein shake, some milk and some coffee, add a few drops of mint extract. I also add a teaspoon of product like Benefiber to keep things stable in the poop dept. Mom pretty much will eat only yogurt dishes now, and won't eat fruit parts.
