Saturday, October 3, 2009

entry 26 { mom-isms }

Today is one of those I NEED TO SCREAM days. I made the mistake of telling mom about conference yesterday and I have been asked over and over when, what, where, how, etc. ever since. This morning it started up again only she couldn't remember what it was she was supposed to remember (conference). She couldn't grasped that she would watch conference, take a bath, watch conference again and then go get her hair done. PATIENCE!!!! BREATH!!!!!

{MOM} isms...

I should just go back to eclipse.

I should just learn to do my own hair like you and Jackie.

You mean I will miss conference to get my hair done?

I need to write this down so I remember. What does Oct 4th mean?

What does 4:15 mean?

Where do I go to watch conference?

How do I turn on the TV? John messed with it.

I finally typed this up for her:

She only asked be about the schedule a few more times and then settled down to watch conference.


  1. Oh I remember all too well situations like that. I'm sorry! You are earning wings!! :)
