Wednesday, April 22, 2009

entry 3

I'm a bit behind because I have been working on several projects.
Things have been pretty smooth the past few days with the exception of last Sunday. The morning started with me waking up with a terrible sinus headache. My mom was already dressed and ready for church. We were waiting for Jackie to get done with Spoken Word and meet us for Sacrament. No sooner had Jackie gotten to my house when some weird tension started with my mom and Jackie. Mom asked Jackie a question and Jackie didn't respond, that set her on edge. My mom gets extremely upset when Jackie doesn't answer her questions immediately (well, anyone for that matter). Anyone who knows Jackie experiences a lag time between asking a question and receiving an answer. Jackie told me that often she is deciding how to answer the question and sometimes she's not paying attention at all.
Actually, I need to back up to Friday night....
Jackie was going to keep my mom overnight but apparently mom didn't want to do anything that was planned so Jackie called and said she was bringing her back to my place. Mom missed her animals and they needed her as well. On the trip up to my house they spoke with aunt Leila to wish her happy birthday and Leila told Jackie about a Suzuki conference going on in Sandy. No sooner had Jackie gotten to my house when she announced she was leaving to check out the conference. She promised to come back but never did. Of course my mom kept asking where Jackie went and when she'd be back. Finally Jackie called about 10PM to say she was on her way home. Saturday Jackie was supposed to spend the night and go to spoken word from my house. All day long mom asked when Jackie was coming. About 10:30 PM Jackie called to say she was staying with a friend downtown.
Back to Sunday morning. (My belief is that mom remembering what little she does, was angry with Jackie for not showing up all weekend). So, 10 minutes until church time Jackie asks for some scriptures. Mom, irritated with Jackie's question states that she can get them from the library. Jackie says she doesn't want to get them from the libraryand they leave for Church. Next thing I know mom slams open the front door exclaiming that Jackie is a spoiled brat! She will not drive with her, she will not sit by her, never wants to see her again, and will not go to church because she is the most ungrateful person she has ever known, "everything I did for that girl yesterday"! (mom drove up to Heber to observe Jackie's school class). Mom is on the verge of tears, ranting and raving about how she wants nothing to do with Jackie over and over. I try to reason with her and get her to tell me what's causing her to be so upset-I don't think she knows! By now my sinus headache is a full blown migraine and I am sick to my stomach. I can't find my medication! Mom's pacing back and forth on the hardwood floor (in her heels). With a migraine every noise, smell, light is magnified a 1000 times. Next, mom finds the masking tape-you know the roller that gets lint off clothes but can't find the end. She gets out a knife and cuts the tape, making it worse and pulls off sheet after sheet, while pacing and ranting about Jackie. I am lying on my bed about to loose it both mentally and physically when I finally decide to take the roller away from mom and tell her she's wasting the whole roll (I know not very patient) . Thank goodness John came home right then except...both of them were clanking around the hard wood floor. "You both need to take your shoes off and stop talking so loud I blurted"! (pooooor John, he gets the brunt end of my frustrations). John found my medication for me and some anti nausea pills and I was able to get some rest.
This is the clencher... after everything was said and done mom wondered what in the world started all this whole mess and what made Jackie leave? I told mom what she said to Jackie but she didn't beleive me . " I never said that, but if I did no wonder she left".

This disease is a tough one for everyone!


  1. Oh, boy. I will have to call you to leave my true thoughts...but I'm sorry you had to go through that pleasant experience with a migraine.

    How has it been left with Jackie?

  2. When you have these moments you need to call me so I can come over. Remember i'm not that far away and am more than happy to keep her busy.
