Thank you to those that responded to yesterday's post. I don't think I have gotten so many emails and phone calls in day! I appreciate all your thoughts and kind words. AND no I haven't lost it entirely yet. I have had requests to add some funny things my mom has said. (we are not laughing at her she laughs with us)
Comments my mom makes to me and others:
(mom) "I had no idea that Alicia was your daughter"
(mom) "I had no idea that Rod was Jesse's father"
(mom) "I had no idea that Jackie was almost 40" (Cher)"how old do you think I am"? (mom) "I don't know I guess you would be about 70".
(mom) "Now tell me again, what are the names or your people that are coming to stay"? (Cher) "my people are Michael, Katie and Mason - your grandson, grand daughter and great grandson" (mom) "Oh ,LOL".
(mom) "Here Mitzy, come Kitty, where is she"?
(Cher) "mom, try calling Bear, he answers to that"!
(mom) One day in disgust, "John needs to take that TV back to Costco, it doesn't work"!
(Cher) "Mom don't push the channel button on the TV" use the remote.
(mom) "I didn't" (TVs on channel 160 needs to stay on 3)
(Cher) "OK it's fixed, don't touch the channel button, only use the remote"
(Cher) "mom I am putting blue tape over these buttons, you don't need to touch them"
(mom) "I don't touch them this TV doesn't work right"
repeat, (I can hear her changing the channel button from the other rooms)
(Cher) "MOM, don't take the tape off and touch these buttons. (tapes off)
(mom) "I never touch those buttons"!
Natalie walks in the house and solves the problem. She takes the cable box off the TV (I didn't even remember we could get cable from the wall)
(Natalie) "OK grandma, the TV works great". (shows her how to work the TV with the remote)
(mom) "Someone needs to take back this TV it didn't come with a remote or one of those kids took it"
I think I am in a "Looney Toon"
Ba de ba de that's all folks!